Community Outreach

Tea and Chat


Everyone is welcome!

Drop in for Tea and Chat.

Every Thursday from 2.00pm – 4.00pm

At St John's Church Hall, 411 Malden Road



Sunday Lunch Club



The Sunday Lunch club meets on the first Sunday of the month to enjoy a home cooked lunch, and to enjoy catching up with friends.

Contact the Parish Office for details.





Christmas Day Lunch

Are you on your own this Christmas?

If so come and join good company at St. John’s Hall.  This event is for anyone who would otherwise be on their own.  The day starts at 12.30pm and ends at 5.30pm with full Christmas lunch and tea. 

Offers of HELP would be much appreciated - by looking after the guests, washing up, serving tea, or providing some entertainment.


Christian Aid

Over a number of years we have held a Big Brekkie breakfast to raise funds for Christian Aid. 





St John's is a Fairtrade Church.

We serve excellent Fairtrade tea and coffee on Sundays after the service.On the second Sunday of each month we hold a Traidcraft stall. 

Two children are sponsored through Action Aid with proceeds from the stall: Junior from Zambia and a little girl from Afghanistan. The children from Children’s Ministry correspond with both children, exchanging drawings and information.

Majabin,  Majabin, exchanging draw 

Kingston foodbank


We support Kingston foodbank.

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