
Financially St John's is a self-supporting parish. The parish receives no government money apart from tax refunds under the Gift Aid scheme. It currently costs us approximately £2,400 a week to run the parish. This cost includes holding services, paying for clergy, our organist and music director, and our part-time administrator, looking after our historic church building and making our contribution to the wider diocese.

Here are some financial options for supporting the work of St John’s:

One-off donations

  • Online using the 'Donate' button or QR code below:   

  • In church:

    • you can make a cash donation during the service or

    • make a contactless or chip and pin donation using one of our card readers (all major credit cards accepted) 

  • Donate by cheque:

Made payable to: 'The PCC of St John’s Old Malden', sending it to:  The Treasurer, C/o The Parish Office, St John’s Church, Church Rd, Worcester Park KT4 7RY.

  • Through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) - see below for details.



If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your gift will be increased if you make a Gift Aid declaration. You will find a form of declaration here which you can either post with your cheque or email to Sheri David, our Gift Aid Officer:

Regular Giving

Please consider setting up regular donations, which help St John's to plan financially. We are asking all new and current givers, who wish to donate regularly, to sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme.  You can sign up online, or by downloading, completing, and posting off a form, which also has a brief introduction to the scheme.

To sign up by phone, call the dedicated sign-up line on 0333 002 1271. You will need your personal bank account details and the PGS code for St John's: 370637139 


                     Sign up online               PGS Gift Form                      Further information


Thank you!


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